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When it comes to digital products, namely “Private Label Rights” (PLR) on the internet, there are many types of legal ways to buy, sell, and even offer these products. When digital products have licenses to them they can be seen as PLR, MRR, GAR, CU, PU, and GAR. What do these initials all mean and how can they benefit you?
Below are the answers to what these licenses are, stand for, and the meaning behind them:
PLR: This stands for “Private Label Rights” which is a license that gives you the right to do just about anything you are needing or wanting to do with it.
It’s fair to say that content makes the internet go around. Having to write your very own content day in and day out is a nightmare and getting someone else to do this for you can cost a lot. So what is one of the best ways to get your very own content without all the hassles? Well, that’s where private label rights, or PLR for short comes in very handy.
If you’re like me and have been around the internet for some time you’re most likely heard about PLR content and products. Even more so, you most likely used them yourself. Or maybe even wondered what these licenses really are.
MRR: This license stands for “Master Resell Rights” which is another type of license but usually with more restrictions. MRR will give you permission to resell the product and usually also pass on the license to your customer.
RR: Within this license that stands for “Resell Rights” this has even fewer options when reselling the item. You will be able to still resell the product with this particular license but with limits, such as you will not be able to pass the license on for that customer to resell the product, they will simply be only able to use it for personal use or in some cases for their client’s projects if they are a developer, etc.
PU: This license stands for “Personal Use” which basically sums it all up in those two words. Any product found with this license means that it can only be used for your own personal use and cannot be resold or used for someone else’s projects.
CU: This license basically means “Commercial Use”. This means that this product can be sold for a profit or used in any commercial sales etc.
GAR: This license stands for “Give Away Rights”. This basically means that the product with this license you will be able to give away for free and distribute around the internet by such methods as giving them away free on mailing lists, giving new users freebies to join your newsletter lists plus so much more.
Overview: All of the above licenses are only a basic set of rules. Each individual license found within a product you purchased on the internet will usually follow these main sets of points.
Using PLR for content or resale are both viable reasons for adding PLR to your website. I have done this but I have also personally learned so much from reading PLR. I truly believe you will find great value in any of the membership sites listed above. Just as I have.
To your success!